Coline Le Noir de Carlan (ESR 1)

Coline Le Noir de Carlan (ESR 1)

University of Antwerp, Belgium

Microbiome structure of warmed grasslands.

Joanna Pranga (ESR 2)

Joanna Pranga (ESR 2)

ILVO, Belgium

Visual, NDVI and hyperspectral assessment of grassland plant and vegetation traits.

Biplabi Bhattarai (ESR 3)

Biplabi Bhattarai (ESR 3)

Tartu Ülikool, Estonia

The functional rhizobiome in warming grasslands.

Dennis Metze (ESR 4)

Dennis Metze (ESR 4)

University of Vienna, Austria

Microbiome physiology and microbial interactions.

Fabrizzio Protti (ESR 5)

Fabrizzio Protti (ESR 5)

University of Innsbruck, Austria

Diel, synoptic and seasonal variability in sources of soil CO2 emissions.

Linsey Avila (ESR 6)

Linsey Avila (ESR 6)

University of Copenhagen, Denmark

The carbon balance in sub-arctic ecosystems.

Ruth Tchanawandji (ESR 7)

Ruth Tchanawandji (ESR 7)

Agricultural University of Iceland

Plant phenology and plant stress evolution.

Argus Pesqueda (ESR 8)

Argus Pesqueda (ESR 8)

CREAF, Spain

Plant and soil metabolome in a warming subarctic.

Priyesh Puluckul (ESR 9)

Priyesh Puluckul (ESR 9)

imec, Belgium

Fast prototyping platform to enable sensor communication technology.

Amir Hamedpour (ESR 10)

Amir Hamedpour (ESR 10)

SVARMI, Iceland

Development of an autonomous UAV application for image based (e.g. hyperspectral) ecosystem climate response assessment.

Samer Nasser (ESR 11)

Samer Nasser (ESR 11)

DMR, Denmark

Development of an automated sampler for subsoil nutrient flows.

Pavel Baykalov (ESR 12)

Pavel Baykalov (ESR 12)

Vienna Scientific, Austria

Smart root imaging technology for root phenological studies.

Vaidehi Narsingh (ESR 13)

Vaidehi Narsingh (ESR 13)

imec, Belgium

Scientific Machine Learning for complex ecosystem interaction analysis.

Bart Bussmann (ESR 14)

Bart Bussmann (ESR 14)

imec, Belgium

Next generation neural networks for UAV-based remote sensing.

Virginia Vargolska (ESR 15)

Virginia Vargolska (ESR 15)

University of Vienna, Austria

‘Big Data’ and shifts in research practices.

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 framework programme for research and innovation under grant agreement No 813114.