Rethinking expectations and personal definitions

By Dennis Metze (University of Vienna) March 24, 2021. It’s another day working from home and the sun is shining through my window. My laptop is on my desk next to a few plants and a lot of sticky notes on the wall in the background. I have just created a word...

A year in retrospective

By Fabrizzio Protti (University of Innsbruck) While writing this, I realized that it has been exactly a year since I started my PhD journey. A year marked by new experiences, steep learning curves, and challenges. As all we know, 2020 was defined by the Covid...

First Trial

By Pavel Baykalov (Vienna Scientific, Austria) The year 2020 had started with a lot of enthusiastic promises and opportunities: travel to Iceland for the first Future Arctic meeting, secondment in Estonia, presential courses at BOKU, meeting new people, attending...

Additional Plot-twists are Welcome

by Leena Jaakola (University of Copenhagen, DMR A/S) Needless to say, much of 2020 came as a shock to everyone, but taking on this PhD steered my life in a direction I never saw coming. Anyone else with a severe case of imposter syndrome? No, just me…? My background...

Diving through research with a pandemic on the edge

By Ruth Tchana Wandji (Agricultural University of Iceland) Uncertainty, one word I will use in describing these last months with covid-19. Though in regular times being uncertain is mild, in covid-19 times, the stakes are higher. The main uncertainty was not being...

Adapting to a new normal

by Joanna Pranga (ILVO, Belgium) My PhD started just one month before the pandemic and the subsequent lock down. It was not an ideal start to a doctoral research journey. Just like all of us, a quick adaptation to an entirely new situation was essential. We entered...