First Trial
By Pavel Baykalov (Vienna Scientific, Austria) The year 2020 had started with a lot of enthusiastic promises and opportunities: travel to Iceland for the first Future Arctic meeting, secondment in Estonia, presential courses at BOKU, meeting new people, attending...
Additional Plot-twists are Welcome
by Leena Jaakola (University of Copenhagen, DMR A/S) Needless to say, much of 2020 came as a shock to everyone, but taking on this PhD steered my life in a direction I never saw coming. Anyone else with a severe case of imposter syndrome? No, just me…? My...
Diving through research with a pandemic on the edge
By Ruth Tchana Wandji (Agricultural University of Iceland) Uncertainty, one word I will use in describing these last months with covid-19. Though in regular times being uncertain is mild, in covid-19 times, the stakes are higher. The main uncertainty was not being...
Adapting to a new normal
by Joanna Pranga (ILVO, Belgium) My PhD started just one month before the pandemic and the subsequent lock down. It was not an ideal start to a doctoral research journey. Just like all of us, a quick adaptation to an entirely new situation was essential. We entered...
Looking back at a first year of PhD rhythmed by a pandemic
by Coline Le Noir De Carlan (University of Antwerp) It’s actually quite funny thinking back about the first few weeks as a member of FutureArctic, when projects and ideas were building up. It didn’t take long for us to get caught by what would soon become this...
Stages of pandemonium: Keeping (very sensitive) automated equipment running remotely during a global catastrophe
by Linsey Avila (University of Copenhagen) When COVID-19 hit, no one could have anticipated the chaos that would ensue. Having just started my PhD project only a few months prior to the first wave, it certainly complicated the plans my supervisor and I had...
Field and lab-based research during a pandemic!!!!
By Biplabi Bhattharai (University of Tartu) The scariest word of 2020 for me was “stay-home”. Last winter had me itching to get back to travelling and see the world, to visit my family, or just to hang out with friends. I had been waiting for the spring/summer to...
Keeping a sharp mental edge during a PhD in a pandemic
By Argus Pesqueda (CREAF) A Pile of PhD Pandemic Pointers - Creativity and how it can shape your morale and mental sharpness You’ve been there. You’ve hit that rock bottom that you’ve seen exaggerated on TV, like Homer Simpson does so often in The Simpsons. You...
Tools for Surviving a PhD during a Pandemic
By Bart Bussmann (imec) Doing a PhD is challenging. Doing a PhD in a new country is difficult. Doing a PhD in a new country during a world-wide pandemic is seriously hardcore. PhD students are prone to procrastination? Why not try working from home where...
Meet Virginia Vargolskaia (ESR15)
Hi! My name is Virginia, and I was the final Ph.D. student to join the project this summer, perhaps because I'm the only social scientist, and I’ll be the one researching the researchers. In any case, I feel lucky for the chance to work alongside all of the...

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 framework programme for research and innovation under grant agreement No 813114.