PhD Positions
Become a part of the FutureArctic network!
FutureArctic offers a training at the inter-sectoral edge of computer science, artificial intelligence, environmental science, online sensor engineering and social sciences, by building a pioneer ‘ecosystem-of-things’ at the natural laboratory.
We recruit 15 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs), who will be incorporated in a multidisciplinary and international research team. Each ESR will be hosted in a beneficiary institution and will receive additional training during secondments at the industrial and other academic partners’ facilities.
All positions are filled in!

ESR 1: Microbiome structure of warmed grasslands.
Host: UAntwerpen, co-host: ILVO. Contact person: Expected start date: January 2020
Location: Belgium. Profile: Biology, Ecology.

ESR 2: Visual, NDVI and hyperspectral assessment of grassland plant and vegetation traits.
Host: ILVO, co-host: UAntwerpen. Contact person: Expected start date: January 2020
Location: Belgium. Profile: Agriculture, Biology, Plant Sciences, Remote Sensing

ESR 3: The functional rhizobiome in warming grasslands.
Host: UTARTU, co-host: VSI. Contact person: Expected start date: September 2019
Location: Estonia. Profile: Biology, Plant Ecology, Microbiology, Soil Science

ESR4: Microbiome physiology and microbial interactions.
Host: UNIVIE, co-host: UAntwerpen. Contact person:, Expected start date: January 2020
Location: Vienna. Austria. Profile: Ecology, Microbiology, Ecological Modelling

ESR5: Diel, synoptic and seasonal variability in sources of soil CO2 emissions.
Host: UIBK, co-host: MIRICO. Contact person:, Expected start date: January 2020
Location: Austria. Profile: Ecology, Biology, Biogeochemistry

ESR6: The carbon balance in sub-arctic ecosystems.
Host: UCPH, co-host: SVARMI. Contact person: Expected start date: 1 October 2019
Location: Denmark. Profile: Greenhouse gas exchange, Biogeochemistry

ESR7: Plant phenology and plant stress evolution.
Host: LBHI, co-host: ILVO and CREAF. Contact person: Expected start date: January 2020
Location: Iceland. Plant Ecology, Ecophysiology, Environmental Sciences

ESR8: Plant and soil metabolome in a warming subarctic.
Host: CREAF, co-host: IMEC. Contact person: Expected start date: between September 2019 to January 2020
Location: Barcelona. Profile: Ecology and metabolomics

ESR9: Fast prototyping platform to enable sensor communication technology.
Host: IMEC, co-host: DMR. Contact person: Expected start date: January 2020
Location: Belgium. Profile: Applied Engineer Electronics – ICT / Computer Science

ESR 10: Development of an autonomous UAV application for image based (e.g. hyperspectral) ecosystem climate response assessment.
Host: SVARMI, co-host: LBHI and CREAF. Contact person: Expected start date: January 2020
Location: Iceland. Profile: Remote Sensing, Environmental Sciences, Plant Ecology

ESR11: Development of an automated sampler for subsoil nutrient flows.
Host: DMR, co-host: UCPH. Contact person: Expected start date: 1 september 2019
Location: Denmark. Profile: Hydrogeology, Environmental Engineering

ESR12: Smart root imaging technology for root phenological studies.
Host: VSI, co-host: UTARTU. Contact person: or Expected start: date: September 2019
Location: Austria. Profile: computational image analysis, data science, bioinformatics

ESR13: Design and Evaluation of Learning Algorithms for complex ecosystem interaction analysis (“Ecoalgorithm”).
Host: IMEC, co-host: UAntwerpen. Contact person: Expected start date:
Location: Belgium. Profile:

ESR14: Optimizing storage & analysis of ecosystem data both on the edge & in the cloud.
Host: IMEC, co-host: SVARMI. Contact person: Expected start date:
Location: Belgium. Profile:

ESR15: “Big data” and shifts in research practices.
Host: UNIVIE, co-host: ILVO. Contact person: Expected start date: February 2020
Location: Austria. Profile: science and technology studies or a related social science discipline, solid knowledge of qualitative social science methods

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 framework programme for research and innovation under grant agreement No 813114.